Can the results of your well-intended research be misused? Would you notice if some of your Eppendorf tubes disappeared from the freezer and how trustworthy are your colleagues? Bioterrorism is not only a favorite Hollywood scenario, but unusual situations and lack of security awareness in your own laboratory can lead to hazardous consequences with potential negative effects on your research.
The Netherlands Biosecurity Office organizes a free webinar "Laboratory Research: Biosecurity and Dual-Use implications" on Monday June 21st, 2021 from 13.00hrs till 14.30hrs (CEST). This webinar will provide you tools and best practices that can be useful for you as a researcher to handle potential biosecurity and dual-use challenges and risks.
Your research as a fundament for bioterrorism? Not the first thing that will come up when conducting your well-intended research. The importance of biosecurity to securely handle hazardous pathogens and sensitive technologies from theft, misuse, or intentional release is often not at the top of the list when working in a laboratory. In the first part of the webinar we introduce you to different aspects of biosecurity. Practical examples and solutions of biosecurity issues that you could face during everyday research projects are discussed.
Have you ever considered that your research, your results, or samples could also be used in a completely different or malicious way? Do you need a permit to publish your results? Potential dual-use aspects of research will be discussed in the second part of the webinar. We provide tools and best practices for you to recognize possible dual-use issues in your research projects and how to navigate through the export control requirements.
Keynote speakers
Piers Millett (UK), Vice President for Safety and Security at iGEM
Biosecurity Challenges: examples from iGEM.
Daniël Schepers, Policy Officer for Export Control and Strategic Goods – Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Export Control of Dual-Use Goods
Please feel free to share the program with your colleagues.