The Biosecurity Office regularly attends meetings abroad with the aim of sharing knowledge, obtaining knowledge and networking. For example, we will soon be present at the first biosecurity symposium of the ABSA and at a meeting of the IEGBBR. You can read more about these meetings in this news item. At this time, it is not certain whether these meetings will continue due to COVID-19.

The purpose of "Bureau Biosecurity International" is to inform you about our activities abroad. Where have we been and where can you possibly meet us. If you are going abroad and want to share biosecurity knowledge and information there, do not hesitate to contact us. We may be able to support you with material or sharing experiences we have gained in certain countries.

ABSA International's 1st Biosecurity Symposium

The American Biological Safety Association (ABSA) organizes a biosecurity symposium from May 12-15. Topics covered during this symposium include biosecurity governance, implementation, training, cyberbiosecurity and biosecurity in DIY communities. The Biosecurity Office contributes in the form of a presentation on biosecurity in the Netherlands and Europe.

IEGBBR Meeting

The International Expert Group of Biosafety and Biosecurity Regulators (IEGBBR) is an international expert group in which 11 countries, including the Netherlands, are represented. This group meets every other year to share the latest policy developments in the field of Biosafety and Biosecurity, such as how to deal with GAPIII, inspections of BSL3 and BSL4 laboratories and revision of lists of security sensitive agents. In June there is a meeting of the IEGBBR in Paris.

EBSA conference 2020 - Luxembourg

The annual conference of the European Biosafety Association (EBSA) has been moved to autumn due to COVID-19. The Biosecurity Office intends to present the results of an EU European union project on biosecurity in Europe. As part of this EU project, a meeting will be organized in June in Brussels, where the results will be presented to and discussed with representatives from all EU member states. There will also be a discussion with the European Commission about what role the EU could play in strengthening biosecurity within the individual member states.