Before the corona crisis, the Biosecurity Office regularly attended meetings abroad with the aim of sharing knowledge, acquiring knowledge and networking. The meetings are currently taking place online. For example, we gave a presentation during the first biosecurity symposium of the ABSA and during a meeting of the International Working Group on Strengthening the Culture of Biosafety and Biosecurity. You can read more about these meetings in this news item.

The purpose of "Biosecurity Office International" is to inform you about our activities abroad. Where have we been (online) and where you can possibly meet us (digitally). If you are attending an international meeting and would like to share biosecurity knowledge and information there, please do not hesitate to contact us. We may be able to support you with materials or with sharing experiences we have gained in certain countries.

ABSA International’s 1st Biosecurity Symposium

The American Biological Safety Association (ABSA) organized a biosecurity symposium on April 21 and 22, 2021. Topics that were central during this symposium include biosecurity governance, implementation, training, cyberbiosecurity and biosecurity in DIY communities. The Biosecurity Office contributed in the form of a presentation on biosecurity in the Netherlands and Europe:

International Working Group on Strengthening the Culture of Biosafety Biosecurity, and Responsible Conduct in the Life Sciences

The international working group provides a platform where educational and training tools are developed to support and promote biosafety culture. An example of this is the Self Assessment Framework(PDF). One of the activities of the platform is that webinars are regularly organized. During the last webinar, the Biosecurity Office provided the participants insight into our activities and products.