During the second webinar, various tools and resources were presented to increase biosecurity awareness within your organization. Discussions were held in groups about various subjects and the experiences of colleagues were shared among the participants. Finally, the Dual-Use Quickscan has been launched (in Dutch).
Just like the first webinar, the second webinar of the Biosecurity Office was well attended with approximately 100 participants. While knowledge was mainly shared during the first webinar, the second webinar was all about exchanging experiences and knowledge from practice.
In the first part of the webinar, experts took the floor to briefly explain topics such as e-learning modules, training / courses, overview tools, assessment tools, awareness raising tools and guidelines & legal frameworks. This input was used as topics for discussion in the discussion groups.
The webinar ended with the launch of the Dual-Use Quickscan (Dutch version). The purpose of this tool is to identify potential dual-use aspects in the research. In addition, this tool contributes to dual-use awareness.
Approximately half of the participants completed the evaluation form. The webinar was well received and lived up to expectations according to 84% of the respondents. Nevertheless, a webinar continues to seek a good balance between the amount information and time for discussion. What is short and to the point for one person is perceived as too short by another, and that is mainly about the explanation of the practical examples. Nevertheless, 63% of the respondents gained new insights based on these examples and by talking about them in the discussion groups! This working method also contributes to the network, although this is not comparable to an in-person meeting. More than 70% hope that the Biosecurity Knowledge Day can take place in-person at the end of this year or the beginning of next year.
3rd Biosecurity Webinar
The last webinar in the series with the theme “Biosecurity in Research” is scheduled for Monday 21 June. This webinar is aimed at researchers and laboratory workers who work with high-risk pathogens. The evaluation of the second webinar has provided valuable input that we can offer in this webinar. Registration has already opened!