WHO Laboratory Biosecurity Guidance In June 2024, WHO has published the revised Laboratory biosecurity guidance.
ISO/TS 5441:2024 As of May 2024, CWA 16335:2011 Biosafety professional competence standard has been converted to ISO/TS 5441:2024 Competence requirements for biorisk management advisors.
Biosecurity scenario: Hacked system for suppression When you think of dual-use, you might associate it with research on high-risk pathogens, but have you ever considered that dual-use research could also take place within the informatics department
Biosecurity Knowledge Day 2022 The Biosecurity Knowledge Day took place some time ago, but we would like to take a moment to look back on this day.
Export control webinar Februari 2, 2021 The Ministry of Foreign Affairs regularly organizes a number of seminars on export control.