WHO Laboratory Biosecurity Guidance In June 2024, WHO has published the revised Laboratory biosecurity guidance.
ISO/TS 5441:2024 As of May 2024, CWA 16335:2011 Biosafety professional competence standard has been converted to ISO/TS 5441:2024 Competence requirements for biorisk management advisors.
Biosecurity scenario: Spyware on smartphone by foreign app Nowadays (almost) every employee has a smartphone in their pocket. But have you ever thought about who could potentially have access to the information on your smartphone?
Biosecurity Office international The Biosecurity Office regularly attends meetings at home and abroad with the aim of sharing knowledge, acquiring knowledge and networking.
Epidemiology of Pathogens Listed as Potential Bioterrorism Agents, the Netherlands We recently contributed to an article describing the incidence of potentially bioterrorist agents in the Netherlands. Almost all reported illnesses were linked to a travel history.
Publication: Dual-Use Quickscan Last year, the Biosecurity Office developed the 'Dual-Use Quickscan'. This new online tool has been available in Dutch and English since the spring.
Biosecurity scenario: cyber attack Here we present another current scenario with regard to biosecurity. This time it is a scenario about cyber attacks.
Bureau Biosecurity international Before the corona crisis, the Biosecurity Office regularly attended meetings abroad with the aim of sharing knowledge, gaining knowledge and networking.