WHO Laboratory Biosecurity Guidance In June 2024, WHO has published the revised Laboratory biosecurity guidance.
ISO/TS 5441:2024 As of May 2024, CWA 16335:2011 Biosafety professional competence standard has been converted to ISO/TS 5441:2024 Competence requirements for biorisk management advisors.
Biosecurity in education One of the ambitions of the Biosecurity Office is to provide information on biosecurity, including biosecurity and dual-use topics, to students in life sciences throughout their studies.
Biosecurity scenario: Disinformation In the past few years, disinformation has frequently made headlines. Disinformation can be used as a weapon.
Biosecurity Office international The Biosecurity Office regularly attends international meetings with the aim of sharing knowledge, acquiring knowledge, and networking.
November 10, 2022 Biosecurity Knowledge Day We hereby invite you to the eighth Biosecurity Knowledge Day, which will take place in person on Thursday, November 10th at the Mercure hotel in Amersfoort.
Parliamentary Questions Biosecurity On May 30, 2022, Member of Parliament Van Haga (Groep van Haga) submitted a series of twenty questions to the Minister of Health, Welfare, and Sport regarding high-risk bio-laboratories and gain-of
Biosecurity Office international The Biosecurity Office regularly attends international meetings with the aim of sharing knowledge, acquiring knowledge, and networking.
Biosecurity scenario: Espionage If you find a USB stick in the parking lot at your workplace, you already know that you should never plug it into your own laptop or PC to check if a colleague may have lost it.