Biosecurity movie
Research involving high-risk pathogensis
is essential for the development...
...of new detection methods and therapies
for diseases such as Q fever...
...and emerging pathogens, such as
MERS-corona and influenza viruses.
We work with this high-risk material
as safely as possible... order to protect both ourselves
and the environment: biosafety.
To supplement biosafety, biosecurity
can prevent pathogens...
...falling into the wrong hands.
Even just the threat of a pathogen can
have a disrupting effect on society.
But knowledge about pathogens can also
be used to damage society.
By applying biosecurity measures, we can
reduce the risk of spread...
...of both dangerous pathogens
and confidential information.
These measures consist of 8 areas of focus:
the 8 pillars of good practice...
...which are all relevant to
good policy on biosecurity.
Only authorised persons have access to
high-risk pathogens.
However, physical barriers may become
breached unintentionally.
This is why the culture within an
organisation and the behaviour...
...of its employees is so important.
And for example, why strangers should
not be let in or given a lift.
Laboratory safety also requires careful
selection of new personnel.
High-risk laboratories can supplement
their regular security measures...
...through extra
screening of employees.
By requiring a certificate
of conduct, for example.
In 2001, 5 people died after receiving
a letter containing anthrax spores.
These may have come from a laboratory where
an employee was working on his own at night.
Colleagues should be encouraged to watch
out for deviant behaviour, and to report it.
External personnel may also
come into close contact...
...with high-risk pathogens
and confidential information.
In which case appropriate
measures should be taken.
It is essential that high-risk material is
properly registered...
...and that materials are safely stored.
The transport of high-risk pathogens
by third parties is governed... legislation that
must be complied with.
Access to open Wi-Fi networks allows us to
communicate digitally almost everywhere.
But anyone who uses
an unsecured network...
...exchanges confidential
information in public...
...or loses such information,
runs the risk of their computer...
...being hacked and information
falling into the wrong hands.
It is therefore essential that management
includes the responsibility...
...for biosecurity in an
organisation's infrastructure.
So that sufficient time and resources are
available to guarantee safety.
The code of conduct on biosecurity is a
good starting point in this respect.
Agreements with the emergency services and
the security regions are important...
...for a rapid response to emergencies
involving dangerous pathogens... order to limit their spread
as much as possible.
If biosecurity is regularly discussed in
all layers of an organisation... helps to detect any failings that are
not immediately obvious in daily practice.
It is important that we thoroughly
protect high-risk pathogens...
...and what we know
about them.
By focusing on all 8 pillars of good
practice, biosecurity can be...
...implemented in your
The Biosecurity Office can
provide you with information...
...and support for implementation of
appropriate biosecurity measures.
Creative Commons

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