WHO Laboratory Biosecurity Guidance In June 2024, WHO has published the revised Laboratory biosecurity guidance.
ISO/TS 5441:2024 As of May 2024, CWA 16335:2011 Biosafety professional competence standard has been converted to ISO/TS 5441:2024 Competence requirements for biorisk management advisors.
Webinar June 21 - Laboratory Research: Biosecurity and Dual-Use Implications On Monday 21 June 2021 from 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm, the Biosecurity Office will organise the third webinar in the series “Biosecurity in Research”.
Launch of Dual-Use Quickscan On Thursday April 22, the Biosecurity Office launched a new tool, the Dual-Use Quickscan (Dutch version).
Biorisk Management Advisor During the second webinar on April 22, 2021, the Biosecurity Office suggested using the internationally recognized name Biorisk Management Advisor (BMA) instead of Biorisk Professional.
Review of second Biosecurity Webinar During the second webinar, various tools and resources were presented to increase biosecurity awareness within your organization.
Biosecurity scenario: Unexpected results Here we present another current scenario with regard to biosecurity. This time it is a scenario about unexpected scientific results. Is this scenario recognizable?
Biosecurity Office international Before the corona crisis, the Biosecurity Office regularly attended meetings abroad with the aim of sharing knowledge, acquiring knowledge and networking.
Article in Science: ‘Embrace experimentation in biosecurity governance’ In a Policy Forum article in Science last week, the eighteen authors of the article, including employees of the Biosecurity Office of the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (R